The Maharashtra government has established a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to investigate the issuance of birth and death certificates based on “delayed” applications. The SIT, led by Inspector General Datta Karale, will probe both previously issued certificates and pending applications where the registration was requested at least a year after the event.
Rising Concerns Over Illegal Immigrants
The issue of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants in Maharashtra gained attention following the arrest of Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir, a Bangladeshi national, for his involvement in a knife attack on actor Saif Ali Khan in Mumbai. This incident raised concerns over illegal immigrants residing in various parts of the state, highlighting the need for an investigation into the legitimacy of birth and death certificates issued under such circumstances.
Allegations of Birth Certificate Scam
BJP leader Kirit Somaiya has accused authorities of issuing birth certificates to illegal immigrants. He claims that delayed birth registration orders were approved by the magistrate court in Akola City, with several other delayed birth applications authorized by the tehsildar. He also pointed out high numbers of delayed applications in Yavatmal, Akola, and Nagpur districts.
Somaiya has further raised concerns about two lakh Bangladeshi Rohingyas applying for birth certificates in Maharashtra, with Malegaon emerging as a hotspot for illegal immigration. He highlighted that a tehsildar in Malegaon had been suspended due to these claims.
Calls for Action Against Illegal Immigration
Somaiya has accused Akola, Amravati, and Malegaon of becoming centers for illegal Bangladeshi and Rohingya immigrants. During a meeting with the Akola district collector, Somaiya demanded an investigation into the alleged issuance of fake birth certificates to non-residents of Anjangaon Surji village in Amravati district.
In response to these allegations, the Devendra Fadnavis government has launched a special drive to identify illegal immigrants. This initiative has already led to the arrest of several Bangladeshis across Maharashtra in recent weeks.
This investigation is part of the state’s efforts to ensure that illegal immigration does not go unchecked and that fraudulent documentation is identified and corrected