In a miraculous turn of events, 65-year-old Pandurang Ulpe from Kasaba-Bawada, a town in western Maharashtra’s Kolhapur district, was revived after being declared dead by doctors. On December 16, Ulpe suffered a heart attack and was rushed to a private hospital. Despite the hospital declaring him dead, his journey took an unexpected turn when the ambulance carrying his body crossed a speedbreaker, causing movement in his fingers.
His family, traveling with the “body,” immediately noticed the movement and rushed him back to a different hospital. After being treated for another two weeks, including undergoing angioplasty, Ulpe defied all odds and walked out of the hospital a fortnight later.
Ulpe, a devotee of Lord Vitthal, recalled the day he felt dizzy, breathless, and eventually lost consciousness. However, the moment the ambulance hit the speedbreaker, the unthinkable happened—his life was brought back.
This astonishing incident has left many in shock, and the hospital that declared him dead has yet to comment on the situation.