In a recent incident involving Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, Maharashtra’s Minister of State for Home, Yogesh Kadam, has clarified that the attack was a burglary attempt, not linked to any criminal gang. The police have identified a suspect through CCTV footage, but significant security flaws around the actor’s residence have come to light.
Key Details of the Incident
- The attack occurred as part of an alleged theft attempt near Saif Ali Khan’s apartment.
- There were no security guards in the vicinity during the incident.
- A suspect was detained but later released, while investigations continue to identify additional culprits.
Government Assurance
Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis has promised swift action, ensuring the actor’s safety. Meanwhile, Deputy CM Eknath Shinde emphasized that the home department is prioritizing the security of Saif Ali Khan and his family.
Shinde, who visited the actor at Lilavati Hospital, stated, “The government will take responsibility for Saif Ali Khan’s security if requested by the actor.”
Police Investigation Update
- Mumbai police are following strong leads and making steady progress in the investigation.
- Preliminary findings indicate the incident was not a gang-related attack.
- CCTV footage has revealed a suspect, and authorities believe more individuals may be involved.
Rumors and Clarifications
There have been unconfirmed reports suggesting the attacker conducted a recce around Shah Rukh Khan’s residence. However, Minister Kadam stated that police have not verified these claims.
Saif Ali Khan’s Health Update
Doctors have advised restricted movement for the actor for at least a week following the incident.
Minister Highlights Security Gaps
Minister Kadam admitted to serious flaws in the security setup at Saif Ali Khan’s apartment. He assured that measures are being taken to strengthen the actor’s safety.